The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki
The Ashes of Immortality
Film Information
PremiereOctober 30, 2043
ProjectionSeason Sequel Film
SloganLiberation of the Enslaved

The Eternity Series: The Ashes of Immortality is the fourth installment of the legitimate and orchestration film franchise that is based on the durable and everlasting conception of the two original vampires Eric and Laila whom have begun to experience the distinctive ramifications which have ensured to provide terminal and horrendous measurements against the original congregation in order to distill pacified numerations during an enticing stimulation. Within the specified chronicle, justified and secular ruminations have sired the internal function of adoration which could begin to neglect the entire speculation of desired attritions and impending objectives that consists of eradicating an abundance benediction of formidable exigencies that has made it their secondary contribution towards the celestial dominion that is desiring gregarious orchestrations towards formidable and bountiful limitations. Granulated for the exacerbated termination beginning within the upcoming intricacies whom could cease legitimate and atrocious measures, one of the personal confidantes of Eric and Laila will begin to neglect the previous adulation shown to the fraternal twins based on severe opposition and justified exemptions as secular and terminating declarations have begun to eliminate functional tribulations and liable accumulations.


Preceded through ruminating contradictions that could begin to terminate substantial amounts of glorious benedictions in order to resume the primordial constitution that is declared upon each immortal and wiccan faction throughout the given jurisdiction has tried to comprehend and understand specific jubilation that has ensured pacification and limited eradication during an intensive measure of complicated allegiances due to terminal and regulated assurances. Unable to distinguish the pain that her brother is experiencing within the formidable speculation, Laila has begun to vindicate the essential interim and rumination which could assist Eric in a durable time as he fulminates within the boundaries of an gregarious individual whom has secured the horrendous way the Old One views the entire dominion that contains mortal limitations that is secured as the nutrition that his species is subliminal towards. Engulfed within the catastrophic manipulation of formidable wiccan distribution, the required oscillation has stimulated each of the psychological vindication due to succulent transfiguration due to the assurance of liberating enslaved vexations based on ruminated transmissions whom are forgiven under the primordial doctrine which has reclined from previous and impending jubilations.

Comprised among the horrendous and atrocious regulations which could proceed upon the impeding desolation of cordial and vindicated assumptions in order to determine regiments of formulating aggregations based on an entire matriculation as clinical and modern transgressions can become the foremost consideration under terminal misconceptions which will conclude the benevolence and admired hospitalities that Eric and Laila have demonstrated while residing within the dominion of angels. Despite the formulating methods which perseveres accumulating transmissions in an entire abundance that legitimizes orchestrating and desired manipulation, liberated and transparent services could begin to neglect the oppressive aggregations during the remaining boundaries which abdicates from perseverance and oscillated deprivations that are confounded to the impending oscillation due to liberal and oppressive acquisitions in the entire distinction that could moralize the specific and assigned intrusions that are recognized and noticed when such nefarious acquisitions occur in the entire jubilation of gregarious formulations which are classified as boundaries under derogative and vindictive preconditions which could determine the existences of the reclusive and formidable alliances established.


Regarding the immeasurable benediction of several indicators which can transition the impending and upcoming vindication which has severed the numerical orchestration of internal boundaries with the original congregation of immortals, formidable currencies has tried to neglect an entire manifestation of adorned compilations until indications and gratified orchestrations will begin to alter fastidious vexations. Intruded within the alignment of postulated terminations that has become the secondary fulmination within the lives of jubilant accumulations, Eric begins to inform Laila of the preposterous claims that his former companion has justified since their eradication of adoration and limitations which Eric begins to implicate that he has never encountered a specific interval within her consciousness that could be declared as a monumental reflection that could penetrate the anatomy in numeorus of ways due to how the outcome proclaim to be during the calamitic moments as she exonerates that throughout her immortal existence among the atmosphere in which has emulated and alternated during the centuries, she has been contending in annihilations that would be based on her congregation of siblings commencing towards a disturbing altercation as it concluded with her indestructible coven eradicating each companionated celestial that had recently involved themselves elucidated among the original coven of supernatural beings whom apparently are immune of becoming annihilated at the appendages of all incoming adversaries who claims to be established as erroneous assailants that has resented all contrasting celestials whom are born with significant qualifications due to the increment of what the balance of nature has restored among their internal anatomies, which Eric conclusively exemplicates that once his entire regiment of siblings has eradicated their current formation of immortals, she will want to aspire from her contradicting occupation as becoming the superior representative of the celestial government in order to ambulate within the municipal limitations. Acknowledging her statement, Laila exemplicates that she excessively understands the burden that has been administered within her reach during a dramatic increment of obliberations that is consistently being caused in the relinquishment of vengeance as the claim is based upon their retractive consideration of pertaining the enlightment of recommendations in order to convey the appropriate documentation towards the infinite declarations as he exonerates that since he was being raised in an orphanage that consisted of primary compartments where most of the children will mentally acknowledge their upcoming strategics in order to excel within the most compassionate and elaborative extension whom would ignite a consultation that woulld exclaim the reasons of how each known occupation that has been enlisted within the consenting justifications and towards the reconciliations among the imminent tribulations has been administered towards the destructive insolation that would soon become recognized as a contempting resolution that would be assertive among contemporary extractions in order to comprehend the affectionate desolations in which has been excelled to become prominent and disengaged with corruptive incidents that explained the infuriated distinction of convectional embodiments that has expulged the primary maintenance of her residential compartment that has been owned towards his government insurance. Configuring upon unlimited and accumulating vexations during an intensive duration since the impeccable fortitude has distinguished between numerations and integrations, Freya and Inaya begin to converse about simplistical and complicated manifestations which are formidable which Freya begins to exemplicate that before his transfiguration into an immortal became intented to occur during the penetrating centuries in which he has been classified to examine the corruption and the emanipated configuration throughout the eternal regencies of his eternal existence, he was onced implied that supernatural entities has never been profounded among the atmosphere due towards the complative analogy that is commissioned to be established as never believing in such discretions that can reciplicate in ordeal considerations whom has originated within the northern and southern hemisphere among the recent discretions of cultivating an advanced subjection whom are configured to become elucidated predicaments among a certain evolution that is currently accessing towards their positional discrepancies as it has been associated with the formulation of preliminated fornications that is supplimented towards the exterior congregation of relentless assailants whom will never acknowledge and accept the confinement that the original coven of immortal individuals were not responsible for obliberating and consuming each amount of progressional solution, which Freya conclusively implicates that recentive inclinations has been secluded upon sorrow and remorse due to the imperfected adjustment of being inclined with sensation. Pertained within his conception, Inaya exemplicates that each of them has experienced the compatible analogy of never sensing an indestructible celestial whom is able to eradicate her existence within moments but was distracted towards the approaching and vigorous assailants that has plagued her former residental compartment with fear and exhaustion whom are based within atrocious configurations that has supplimented her entire formation of living amongst a distributed contraction of lies and declarative assurances as she exonerates that imminent decisions were made in order for her to select the impartial existence that has became confidential towards her siblings due to the illuminated preservation of observing within inductional alignments among the institution she was proclaimed to attend that was based on intacting with discretional liabilities and exertive distortions, which Inaya conclusively implicates that their was a configurance of devotion among the both of them in order to construct deviant elucidations whom has become reflected off the administration and superior government of the northern and southern hemisphere as she exonerates according to her preliminary discussion, there has been accorded to numerous of obliberations that has been based on the partioned increments. Horrified of the complacent and terminating justifications which has become the primary jubilation in order to compensate desolated and aggregated vexations, Cassandra begins to inform Shanya of the horrendous and atrocious manifestations based on several tendencies which Cassandra begins to implicate that he has mentally and physically tried to acknowledge the assertive incentive of disregarding the intentional provinces of searcing the reason for numerous of decades whom has been known to assemble accurate generalizations that is extorted contrasting and reliable within recessitated configurations whom are suggested to be reasonable explaination of not attending a ceremony in which the dominative selections has been exemplicated among the genuine and absolute fornications whom appears to become an indistinctive assumption that has precluded towards the imminent suggestion that is excessively contributed towards the main reason he predictively informed his congregation of siblings that remaining upon self-sufficient contingencies as he exonerates that becoming classified as the specific first immortal conceived among the other presentations of his kindred are considered government aritifacts that is based on infiltrating the dominative inspiration in which it describes that formulated objections has been instilled with operative corruption and extortion towards the reluctant ancillaries whom has pertained the given interims in order to illuminate receptional analogies that are based on the main characteristics of an intentional supplimentation that has been presribed along the crescents from former attainments towards his preclusive existence. Accepting her intentions, Shanya exemplicates that she understands the elaborated consumptions of formulated discretions that are based on a figurative congregation of assailants whom are not exonerating published increments of distributional ascendancies in order to view the reasons and modifications extraction where she will discover the prominent accusations that is instilled with obstructional preliminaries whom have been conditioned with obligative refractions that is known to endorse among credential exertions whom is trying to ferociouisly annihilate each beloved celestial that is currently enabled to become resulted upon illuminated contrivances due to the limited intervals administered according towards her mental consciousness of where the original coven are precisly located during the initiative of eager and axious to preliminate within a compressional relationship whom she exceeded to nuetralize based on the consistent trials and tribulations that were initiating compunctional alignements whom can only use the confidential experience to retain the formidable ascendancies of gracious counterparts that will never abandon her due to the annihilated conversions of former adversaries whom intrusted their cognitive declaration as an inclination of superior adjustments in which are devoted within progressive currencies in which is condemned from becoming assorted. Intrigued throughout vexated analogies in order to terminate intricacies based upon the limited and rendered vindications whom are becoming the progenitor of lies, Gwendoline and Weston begin to discuss opulent numerations due to the impending terminations regarding vigor which Gwendoline begins to implicate that her prelusional determination has been based on her devotion and accusations whom have appointed towards her superior government in which she declared her reconciliation of stating that no contrasting immortals should be judged based on what other newborns has ascended upon centuries before each of them has existed within a corruptive consolation as she exonerates that she has been impending upon her forgiveness that should have been required to formulate a contingency arrangment in order for her companions to become spared towards the upcoming retaliations of the formational assailants that seeks unconditonal vegeance towards the original coven whom are unable to contract sorrow and retentional provisions due to the fact that each of them were never conspired among the accusational environment when each siblings among the terrain was erroneously slaughtered by their species as it was due to an internal ascension of containing vital fluid that only occurs when their kind has been newly represented and tranfigured into an immortal, which Gwendoline conclusively implicates tha her main predictions has been assured to adjust towards a peaceful and enduring invitation that will soon occur during the concluding result of the final confrontation between the assailants. Acknowledging her, Weston implicates that he has been consorting prominent discretions that are based upon configuring a peaceful and passionate compromise that will assemble each member of the formation towards their current adversaries whom are penetrated internally and externally without presenting a justification that imminent and extensive celestials were reconciled to annihilate their village that has occurred centuries ago in which it has been considered the birth of an advanced generation that would inherit supernatural qualifications in order to preserve their anatomies within destructive altercation that would occur when the illuminated and full extension of the moon was contaminated among the atmosphere as he exonerates that their kind has ignited among a consistent contention between werewolves and vampires that has never been terminated due towards the different conceptions each of them are obtained within in which has been constituted among their ancient covenants whom has transpired emulative distinctions that would try to benefit each of their species that has eventually led towards their indestructible companions obliged to consort with one of the lycanthrope assemblances that is ambulated and considered a residential formation upon the current municiple as it has been classified to live among the ancient adversaries. Vigorated within preposterous and neglected infidelities which has assured the consistent perseverance of adoration throughout the atrocious vicinities of neglect, Legend begins to inform Gaige of the upcoming confrontation based on resulting in aligning with the two original vampires which Legend begins to implicate that the current retribution of forming a contingency arrangment against a vengeful formation of assailants that has been seeking their dominant and residential compartment for centuries will be acknowledge as their last and final altercation whom will result in eradicating their perseverance due to imminent indications that occurred during the previous centuries in which could never be followed up towards due to the fact that her brother was the reason he established the supernatural comandments that is known for stating indecisive movements that is declined to occur among the entire government of immortal sustations as she exonerates that her explicit reaction towards the entire justification has claimed to be stable under all perceptions due to the complicated reasons of formulating a desolated arrangments that is irrevocably risking the existence of each of their companions whom are never expecting consistent altercation between atrocious supernatural entities that are obliged to convey proportionate justifications in order to assume her reconciliation among her siblings to contract in discouraging announcement whom will affect their existenc until it is never ceased in the time of accountabilities, which Legend conclusively exemplicates that his enduring supplimentation has been configured towards contractional revelations. Accepting her devotion, Gaige implicates that he has transcended upon retributional ascensions that was primarily based on the assertive elucidations whom was known to conspire with the congregation of assailants that has reconciled in their differences due to the forgiving recessitation among attributed discrepancies whom are recognized to conspire within the specific interims when the original coven of immortals were not consisted or ambulating within the instrumental advantages and surroundings within their eradicative village that has been mentioned in the complexing allegation of preliminary instinctions due to the impulsive increment of sustainment and retributional occurences that appear when the specific individual is plagued with diversions in order to prepare for the recommendations of the required confrontation that is acknowledged to ignite among the compatible interval that is administered towards both leaders of their coven, which has been consorted among diffusional justifications that will soon extend the preliminated assumptions of numerating desolations that has declined to occur among the environment of contrasting celestials that are anxious and eagered to annihilate human individuals whose internal anatomy contains the exploration of vital fluid whom are considered obsessive once emulating the essence and sensitivity, which Gaige conclusisvely implicates that his determinated has been leveled. Simplistic among cordial and beneficial standings that could begin to terminate justified transgressions during postulated durations since the beginning of celestials, Linnea and Jude begin to converse about clinical oppositions that numerous of desolations has been assigned which Jude begins to implicate he has been conditioned to inform contrasting celestials that commencing in retributional and disturbing altercations will inevitably result in the preliminated accusation of accomodating another supernatural immortal among the accurative direction that will be aligned with prominent and reluctant attributes due to towards the appointing confilement whom will eventually launch a provocative desolation that will transcend towards certain celestials that are eagered to have their immune system become stable and contradictional when ambulating within injured human individuals that will confine the acknowledging source of penetration and absolute correspondence as he exonerates that ascending upon conditioning accusations will courageously lead to penetrative determinations whom will acknowledge the particular diversion of complicative incidents that is based on the obliberation of their upcoming adversaries whom are internally unable to progress among their immortal existence that has been exclaimed among desirable intentions, which Jude conclusively exemplicate that he never accounted the penetrative formation of assailants for their latest correnspondence of arrangments that is obtained to relinquish his siblings but accepts the fact that he is willing to attain upon an unpredictive exertion. Accepting his justified tribulations, Linnea implicates that her commissions of impulsive recommendations has been established within compulsive transaction whom is based on never feeling sorrow for the discriminate accusation an unknown immortal is known to consort within due to their lack of acknowledging the true standards of what occurred during the implicative ascendance in which their entire congregation of devoted human beings became extinct due to their species never containing the formulated doctrine whom will supress their current obsessions over the vital fluid that is preliminated throughout the entire anatomy of their required and recommended ascensions that is considered predominantly effortless for a newborn immortal to decrease the proliferating dilutions that has been assigned within the consciousness in which is apprehended towards the replicative credentials of pertaining the only elucidation that has delievered internal ligaments from formulating her into a careless and exemplicated supernatural whom would eradicate human individuals in order to gain her daily amount of ascended justifications in order to apprehend her humanity as a configurating reminder of informing her consciousnes towards the mortal being she once was and how her creator has influenced her that she should internally provocate her relentless starvation of indiscriminate solutions. Pardoned towards secular and deviant purposes which is required to become enumerated with horrendous corpulations in order to terminate constant vexations, Naomi begins to inform Grace of the severed impact that eradicating specified assailants has measured within existence which Naomi begins to implicate that his existence has been configured among the inconsistent reluctancies that reflect the originating interim of their species when the atmosphere was consisted of the ancient desolations of human individuals, he conspired towards a projection that would excessively elucidate upcoming trials and tribulations whom will never be caused towards their indescretional point of views but in the opposing appendages of their adversaries who are commenced in resenting their unconditonal contemplation in which each of them has proclaimed that their congregation of indestructible complacents was emulated to be described as impulsive fornications that would exempt the reclusive instantation in order to pertain peace and prosperity within the accumulated exception of justificating introvertible analogies whom are able to consort upon contrasting incidents whom concerns the primary adjustment of accepting the reclining attainment that the formation of assailants has been recommending since their entire culivated assurance has been eradicated towards the subjective and relentless emancipations whom her predominative correlations has been responsible for in order to administer their reason to formulate a contingency arrangment that will never decline or harm the existene of each companion that is recognized to be devoted and compassionate towards their existence. Accepting his elucidation, Grace implicates that her industrial contemplation has been exerted to become reliable upon numerous of contrivances that has been based within imminent and destructive coordinates through the former contentions whom were effectively ignited due to the penetrative comminations that their opposing adversaries were creating in order to eradicate the loved ones of each original celestial that contained no accusation of becoming obliberated at the terms of all indestructible contentions whom will essentially concern the database of desolating conversions that was consisted with emulative distinctions that is able to be acknowledged under the preferences of contaminated jurisdictions whom are obtained towards the mental objectives that are assigned upon immaculated ascensions due to the cognitive aspirations in which has given her the strength that is required to adjust upon in order to establish a formidable existence in which will never be affected towards the prominent reflections of tentative preliminaries whom are required to be based on conspiring peace and concilation within an environment whom will become orchestrated with detrimental sustations that has been asserted with numerous of advantages, which has informed her of productive accusations within the orchestrated and residential compartment each of them has been configured among during contrasting interims, which Grace conclusively implicates her essential formulation is condensational. Gratified from the detrimental orchestrations of several tendencies in order to accumulate the opulent manifestation which is considered prevalent in the jurisdiction, Quinn and Malia begin to converse about numerated translations that could become secondary within the upcoming limitations which Malia begins to implicate that based on the type of immortal he has been assured to become due to the expectations of how his indestructible alignment of siblings has instored monumental opportunities within his mental and physical anatomy in which is exerted upon annihilating numerous of human individuals that is contained with industrious contemplations about how remaining nuetral and ascending on preliminated occasions can be permitted to become extracted within limited intervals as he exonerates that once he became conceived within his guardian's excessiveness that had penetrated her entire immune system in which it was classified within a lycanthrope's perrenial, once he viewed each companionated celestial that surrounded the environment due to significant occasion that was igniting among the compartment as her sublimenal existence was informed to orchestrate within a time length that is due towards the increment of becoming the genders of both legendary species whom will advance the growth of his age among numerous of conceptions that has been plagued to infiltrate the ministries he was required to elaborate upon, which is based on the commanding assertions that hybrids are inducted to transpire as each of them are neglecting the balance of nature during the birthing process whom was ascended to be known as erroneous and detrimental. Commenced towards the explanation, Quinn exemplicates that onced her transfiguration was consorted within the entire compartment of translucent inductions, her mental and physical appendages has aligned with industrious distinctions whom are certain to become ordained among the accurate ascension in which is due towards the implimentive and ordain contraction that most newborns rarely survive in the celestial government without their creator advising their judgement and consulting their consciousness about how becoming recognized as a supernatural entity is considered a prominent representation of her immediate siblings that are known to be classified as the original coven of immortals whom are obliged to become the experienced superior's over the entire atmosphere as she exonerates that her ascending contemplations were established to become oriented and supplimental upon each liberated conversion that was known to cause the instant debilitation of primary achievement whom was desolated upon numerous of centuries ago in which she has read that their indestructable siblings has become commenced in a final confrontation with a horrendous formation of newborns classifications that were under the precluded commemoration towards the existence of each correlation, which Quinn conclusively implicates that time will be adjusted among the discretional perrenials of living within celestials. Ordinated upon the intricate and desolated terminations whom could comprehend and understand the entire fulmination of adoration and ramifications, Yolanda begins to inform Meadow about the requested justifications based on several opulations due to previous interims and errands which Yolanda begins to implicate during her provocative getaway among the most significant barriers of seas that are immuned towards the northern hemisphere of the atlantic ocean, he encountered consistent mental discrepancies that was commencing beyond compassionate and intimate due to that fact that his intrusive complication were based on configuring the corruptive ambulation of departing upon distant measurements from his siblings in order to establish his own convergence area that will conflict gratificational occurrences and unexpected contingencies whom are based among the desolated terrains of their current municipal whom is effectively awaiting the arrival of their current formation of assailants in order to relinquish their perrenial existence in which it will become peace and obligated conciliation within the entire northern and southern hemisphere as he exonertates that numerous of celestial individuals whom has awakened as an immortal in which each of them has been exposed among the contrivance of emulating analogies that conspired to preliminate occupational regrets that was supplimented within the desire of unfortunate discretions due to the enigmatic dedications as Yolanda conclusively exemplicates that his contentive contractions has been declared as objectional. Acknowledging his thesis, Meadow exemplicates that her intentions has became resulted among clear accusations that has primarily dispensed cognitive ascendments that has held and obtained the prominent usage of undetermined acessories as she exonerates that when she ambulated among the current residential compartment in which use to be classified as a secured environment is no longer industrialized within imminent affiliations due to the distractive arrangements whom would become vivaciously intrigued with the existence of lycanthropes whom has diversed in corruptive formalities upon the entire civilization of human individuals that has undergone numerous of catastrophic increments until either living soul has dispersed the classified information of each celestial existence due towards the perseverance of eliminating the consciousness fragments that is secluded towards the mental qualification of mind compulsion, which Meadow conclusively implicates that their was considered a specific interim when she obliged to become indeavorant among the acknowledgment of their contrasting existences but it originated towards an apprehension that each supernatural entities complexion is formidably reaching it's census due to the complicated notions of accepting the fact that aligned lifeforms are less suspected within the environment of discriminate analogies. Limited through the imperial and organized sections of rendered manifestations whom has begun to terminate specific and assigned vindications through terminals, Xylene and Corban begin to converse about the entire ramifications of detrimental and horrendous manifestations due to consistencies which Xylene begins to implicate that when each of them conspired to acknowledge one another when her appearance became the prime meridian of his enlightment and transitional decrepancies that has been based on erroneously formulating incremental ascensions in order to obtain his compassion and infinite reflection of love due to the occurrence of each of them becoming aware that when an alignment of supernatural individuals become internally infatuated with their contrasting accusation, the retainment of the next obligated reclusion will be instilled with prominent supplications in order to preliminate extortions and desolated incentives in order to define true adulation and affection to become more extensive and less aggrivating throughout the number of argumentative predicaments that are allowed to occur among the enchantment of involvement who will lease become inherited with emulative commencements as Xylene conclusively implicate the upcoming confrontations with the ascending assailants will never become recognized with instability and compressional allegiance when all contrasting species will solute and recognize their honor upon reclaiming vengeance based on the obliberation each descendant whom has been recently expanded along their residential compartment in order to orchestrate contentional replication. Retaining adulated consultation, Corban begins to implicate that the compatible and erroneous contingency whom was based on excelling among intimate relationships that are pimarily exerted among distributive increments towards the existence of emulative formations of classificated newborns that have been assigned to limitate the appetition until each of them will no longe become perrious towards the desolated analogies whom has administered gratification and demonstration towards the existence that was remembered when his mortal existence was constrained with emulative inductions and corresponded analogies as he compressively exonerates that encantational desolations has been previously commenced with obligative and emancipational desires that consistently craved for obliberation of eradicating innocent mortal beings whom would be sensitively known to ambulate within the illuminated cresent that is known to adminsiter their full inherent of qualifications that has been explained in theory of annihilating their opposing adversaries if injected with venemous solution that will eventually spread throughout the entire anatomy until it reaches the exemplicated ligament that is required to keep human individuals sustained and preserved within atrocious distinctions as Corban conclusively implicates that without the oriented guidness of becoming gentle and respectful, his existence will eventually become a burden. Manipulated from the impending and previous compositions which could begin to neglect the informal and postulated manifestations whom are becoming designed, Kyan begins to inform Brice of the simplistic measures regarding the lycanthrope vernacular among industrial terminations which Kyan begins to implicate that since his contemplating existence that originated during the previous centuries of illuminated conspiracies whom were subsequently concentrating among the isolated terrain that her former residential compartment was established among until she was required to contract imminent discrepancies among cordial and unlimited reflections due to the contemplative arrangments that formulated the extension of progressive exertions in which had became detrimental towards their indestructible existence whom irrevocably contended with dimensional elucidations in order to concern their upcoming and strategic arrangement with desolated measures that would become pertained with discretional formalities as she exonerates that throughout irrational centuries of contaminating resentment and despair within her obligated inspiration whom was reponsible for restraining her humanity within the ascended attributes in which will eternally become the exceptional corruption that is dispensed with emotional substances due towards the contractive essence she has been given upon his appearance that administers an anatomy compression upon the intrusive distribution of her intensive capabilities whom creates her into an intrusive immorta that is soughted upon forgiveness and sorrow, which Kyan conclusively implicates that imminent diversions will amend with inceptional commission. Diverged towards her ambigous response, Brice begins to exemplicate that informidable impressions were becoming elucidated within his consciousness whom has been obtained with irrational and promiscuous alignments that was ferociously caused towards the illucidated corruption of formidable adversaries whom are effectively acknowledging the original coven of immortals due to the irregular state of mind that provocative illusions have become to acknowledge within precipitated means of negotiating a compromise towards the entire condensation of acknowledging formulated ascensions in which he predicts that the opposing congregation of celestials has been assertive and aligned towards intentional perrenials whom would only be adorned towards administering a contradiction of guilt and assemblance that is provisionally desired to inform his primary exultation of never experiencing enough cessation and composure upon the exclusive and sentimental occurrences in which was offered towards the entire reciplication and congregation of original immortals whom has existed within the conductors of preliminated affections that has given him credentialized exertions towards the infatuated desire whom has contained the essence of compunctuated affiliation as he is governed to inclinate with intrusive reasoning for acknowleding the desolated exergence of peace of prosperity. Secular within horrendous and jubilant transgressions that has been considered postulated towards invigorating alignments in order to ensure legitimate aggregations, Raya and Cadence begin to discuss rendered measurements based on the impending vindications concerning fortitude which Raya begins to implicate that during the previous interims among the contrasting resolutions that has been premised in order to consolidate their aggreement terms of no longer discouraging within provisional increments of altercations, he has been witnessing outstanding obliberations towards innocent celestial individuals whom have been excelled in prominent contractions that has increased since their objective of remaining from the vital fuid of live human entities whom has given him the eternal acknowledgement of determining atrocious incidents that are occurring among the dispostional retractions as he exonerates that intermediate discretions has been consistently relinquishing the deceased companions that understood and ambulated upon the courageous and jurisdicted commandments he has erroneously established during the centuries before he proclaimed to each of his siblings that their congregation would become acknowledge as the celestial authority whom would annihilate any coven of supernatural entities during the ultimated correlation that has depicted the truth of reconciliation and peaceful decisions in which will be orchestrated throughout his industrial environment, which Raya conclusively exemplicates that desolated emancipations will effectively configure the deceptive accusations of contaminated ascensions. Acknowledging the corruption, Cadence implicates that their has been numerous of occurrences around the entire municipal that involved destructive supernatural entities to commerce upon desolated increments of illuminated altercations in which has been secluded towards the dominative accusation of indeavoring the obligative proclamation that the formation of classificated assailants are fornicating to send towards his indirective residential compartment as she exonerates that his exemption has been able to acknowledge the punctual agitations whom has configured the assured transfigurations of how the catastrophic incidents became to be conditoned within the accurative commination of informing one another that their primary adversary is exultated as a relentless supernatural that has been inquiring and excogitating each compassionate instinction until the final confrontation has been ferociously ignited within their terrain and informidable exergence throughout the indecisive complexions that has instilled the alignment of gratification towards the main perrenials in which has become stored upon the intermediate analogies, which Cadence conclusively exemplicates that each general pacifications has been assurred to prevail essentially towards all discriminate congregations that plague their existence until complicated perceptions has been required to overcome within the centuries that has given the retrospected alternations of incremental transmissions. Presumed among the distinction of gratified and erroneous manipulations which has begun to eliminate sensual numerations and cordial fulminations during vindications, Pierre begins to inform Keira about irregular and composited justifications in order to acknowledge their consent which Pierre implicates that he has globalizing the interactions and effective contributions of how remaining a human individual would have provided her with the complete adjustment of figuring out her internal and external virtues in order to understand the complexities and disturbing analogies that will try to apprehend their contradictive meaning of becoming established within an environment whom will no longer be acknowledged for the penetrating terms that can exterminate the formidable sources of contrasting celestials whom has been acknowledges the provocative and internal adjustment that will never seem to expire when comforted towards the vital fluid distributed within the entire anatomy of all illuminated mortal beings as she exonerates that when she reminisces the intriguing explorations of concerning deflective appendages should have been ordained to mention how explict declarations that her superior government has established upon centuries ago have eccentrically administered her the prominent retrospective of commencing in a judicial interaction whom would recommend beocming intrigued with the fact that hoping for an exceptional and sophisticated interim will irrevocably become their explorated contingencies that is considered to be ambulated within formal and increased accusations, which Pierre conclusively exemplicates that he has declared adoration and consideration. Accepting her intentional admiration, Keira exemplicates that when she was acknowledge as a human interval before his appendages became provisioned with the enhancements of a lycanthrope was never considered the effortless analogy that would irrevocably comfort the idealistic contribution of remaining liberated with consideration and significant veneration that would only occur during the illuminated crescent whom would promiscuosly ambulate within the attractive contribution of becoming aware that his lineage was established to be all werewolves that acquired the lycanthrope gene whom is unaware of becoming explained due to the fact that the specific interim is exclusional and extensive during the birth of the original congregation of immortals as he exonerates that since he was given the fornicating information of establishing a permanent residential domicile with his current lineage has provided his internal soul to recommend the agitated occurences in which has been known to describe towards each immortal coven that ambulating within a noraml alignment is structured to become alleviated within the consciousness of formidable anxieties, which Keira conclusively implicates that negotiating among imminent formalities has never described to obtain elucidated constructions that has been excelled to intricate comminative elaborations due to the penetrating commandment of admiring each acquired justification. Stimulating upon erroneous and gradual numerations whom has ensured the indications of former companions whom are beginning to align with horrendous attributes, Dahlia and Amity begin to discuss formidable exigencies that could have begun during secular intentions which Dahlia implicates that her reclusive decision is still considered an astounding formation of never remaining within her environment that is currently engaged within consistent complications and confrontations with immortal congregations whom are willing to jeopardize their existence in order penetrate and eradicate the current companions whom are assured to become desolated with perseverance as she exonerates that she has irrevocably understood the choice he has been acknowledge to configure due to the fact that their would become an exclusional interim where his humanity participation would be intrigued to dissipate within his internal anatomy and will eventually conspire his personality and qualifications to be heightened among distributed requirements that is initiated when any specific human individual is currently in transition, which has effectively penetrated her consciousness to recessively extend upon a reasonable accumulation of contracting a formulated compunction that would intrigue her reason for emerging within numerous of ultimatums that personally adjust the intentional and conclusive expectations that is going to affect her severely because the love she contained for him during the previous interims has been consisted within irrevocable extortions in which has administered her infatuation of obliberation. Accepting her thesis, Amity implicates on how coming towards that penetrative decision has been acknowledged as the most provocative distribution he would ever acquire towards his lifetime of remembering post dramatic allegiances of confirming the elucidated contrivances he was known to formulate within his consciousness during the emulated corruption that is based on transpiring determinating accumulations that has been destined to be the prime desolation whom is primarily responsible for adjusting towards the immaculated extensivenss of processing the internal configurations that death is only established to be mental state of mind that has only contributed beneficial reclusions during a time scale he has to intensively orchestrate formidable occurences that he willing to spend with her until his concluding interims has been processed to alleviate orchestrated dimension upon his consciousness whom has been assured to accommodate extensional determinations of being excessively aware of how the upcoming adversaries arranges to harm each contrasting supernatural entity in order to decrease the assumption and balance of nature in which is known to provide each accumulated discrestion within complicational allegiances as Amity conclusively exemplicates that living within absoluted exertions will become recognized as prominent. Orchestrating within the boundaries which are required to conduct during manifestations that has ensured the perseverance of adoration and matriculations, Luna begins to inform Tatum that horrendous and erroneous intricacies can become ordinal towards the conclusion of formalities as Luna begins to effectively implicate that since her originating birth between the interims of liveliness and admiration was established during the desolated state of mind that has been consisted within ultimated exclusions whom would become prominent and distributive towards the entire accumulation of enduring the everlasting compunction whom is instilled among each of his siblings internal anatomy that was soon to reach it's inevitable solution of becoming immune and indestructible towards all calamitic adversaries whom will extend their preservation and intentional accusation of obliberating them during obstructional enhancements in which is based on the exertion of commencing elaborative distinctions between the personality he has been configured with due towards the penetrating assumption of recommending formational arrangements when commencing within transfigurations of certain immortal whom would never apprehend and understand that formidable exceptions has been assigned to become elucidated with intentional justifications as Luna conclusively implicates that preserving the benediction for her siblings has been irrevocably established as his occupational juncture throughout his entire formulation of being represented as an immortal that has resisted the desolated affliction and discomfort whom will acknowledge his abbreviated tribulation. Discomforted towards the expulsion, Tatum begins to implicate that she has never been unconcerned with the obligated decisions he has made in order to configurate the fact that his sibling's existence is able to orchestrate among their lives as the beginning configuration due to the fact that acquiring siblings is considered a detrimental and concentrated alignment to become commenced within during the emulated contractions each of them are living within due to the corrupted analogies each of them has been arranging upon the perrenials administed within increments of sustaining the compunctual servitude towards the coven she is considered a devoted companion towards in which she will never disagree with the assumption each of them are configuring but will be established as an horrendous lycanthrope whom will become interacted immediately based on the corruptive encantations that can be caused towards certain supernaturals that are formidable of engaging in consistent and prominent confrontations whom would be associated it with emancipated adorations upon the recessitated exemptions of congregating illuminated dispositions within the entire residential environment whom is unaware of cognitive and endangering species that is apprehended to capture and annihilate conspiring lycanthropes, which Tatum conclusively implicates that their elabortations of happiness will soon diverged among reality. Determining the primordial and regular intervals which has become designed for the primary indication of adoration and alleviated terminations within existence, Vaughn and Lana begin to discuss optimal limitations based on severe and terminated boundaries in order to establish causation which Lana begins to implicate that she has been through consistent recommendations of igniting comminative accusations against specific celestials whom has been contingent within the infiltrated arrangements of obliberating their coven as it has been declined towards the current interim due to the fact that the original coven of immortals has been blessed with the chance of reigning among the supernatural environment for eternal osculations as she exonerates the competional preliminaries of extorting discretional occurences that is certain to arrange within an impulsive transfiguration of acknowledging the peaceful and obligative cessation that is required to be recognized as imminent contrivances whom are constructed in order to extend the prosperous osculation within the environment she is stationed towards due to the complicated atonements that could apprehend the entire justification of comminating indistinctive compressions among exerted and reliable perrenials whom are acquired to apprend the meaning behind converging in a provocative ascendancy as it will formulate benedicted concerns for approaching conciliations in which could preserve the existence of her companionated adversaries that are declining to observe the precautionary alignments in order to convey dissipating rules and regulations due to the fact that adoration is considered an adjustment. Acknowledging her assumptions, Vaughn begins to implicate that he has never believed in the accusation of feeling and admiring sorrow and penetration towards accused formalities that is destined to exterminate their appendages in order to remain within the atmosphere of situated correspondences that is instilled with penetrative desolations whom are reconciled with imminent configurations throughout the entire altercation that is to be configured within the entire illuminated interim as he insinuated on the precautionary alignment of establishing the fact that the congregation of assailants are apprehended with a formation of contrasting supernatual appendages due to the provocative extensions of contaminating influential discrepances whom are managed to become irreplacable that is primarily based on the certain age each of his companions are as he exonerates that informidable accusations has been claimed to become influential ascendancies towards the obligated exigencies of commencing peace and prosperity towards an elusive interactions with other immortal suspections that are irrevocably known to conspired observers to penetrate the effectiveness given and the scent he is contracting due to his lycanthrope enhancements administering the occupational ascendancy of reconciling with the adversaries he has conigured among his life but will never forgive himself upon suicidal preliminaries.

Main Cast

Cameron Henderson as Eric
Grace Gealey as Laila
Lilith Northman as Cassandra
Enrique Costallo as Corban
Michelle Byrne as Dahlia
Richelle Smith as Freya
Dominique Washington as Gaige
Lenora Hastings as Gwendoline
Melissa Terren as Keira
Diana Suarez as Lana de Leon
Messina Henderson as Linnea
Sincere Lopes as Meadow
Beaumont Devereux as Pierre
Emily Graham as Quinn
Olivia Vasquez as Shanya
Constance Shaw as Tatum

Supporting Cast

Beatrice Williams as Amity
Denson Wolfe as Brice
Serene St. John as Cadence
Zoe Stephens as Grace
Amour Evans as Inaya
Zeke Carter as Jude
Michael Young as Kyan
Hunter Martinez as Legend
Kelli Hunter as Luna
Justice Adams as Malia
Amy Sullivan as Naomi
Miranda Grant as Raya
Entice Freeman as Vaughn
John Palmer as Weston
Erica Daniels as Xylene
Camryn Armstrong as Yolanda


1. Steve Smith: Get On
2. Caught a Ghost: Sugar in my Coffee
3. Dave Thomas: Lost at Sea
4. Billie Marten: Bird
5. Emily Dawson: If You Were Here
6. The Wealthy West: The Highest Tide
7. Verve Pipe: Colorful


  • Towards the conclusion of the fourth installment, Eric will find solace within a particular individual.
  • Bound to each other and despite the millenniums spent apart, Eric and Laila will share several moments defining their love for each other.
  • Before the tenure of a decade, Eric requested Laila to dessicate his corporeal remains with the white oak ash dagger based on subliminal accreditation from the divorce with Isabella.