The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki

The New World is composed of the Americas (North America, Central America, and South America), the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Australia aka Oceania, the island continent.

New Perennial[]

The New World is one of the names used for the Western Hemisphere, specifically the Americas, certain Atlantic and Pacific oceanic islands to which the closest continental shelf is that of the Americas (such as Bermuda), and sometimes Oceania (Australasia). The term originated in the early 16th century, shortly after America was discovered by European explorers, expanding the geographical horizon of the people of the European Middle Ages, who had thought of the world as consisting of Europe, Asia, and Africa only: collectively now referred to as the Old World. The Americas were also referred to as the "fourth part of the world". After the discovery of the new world, the closest countries tried to colonize new lands, destroying civilizations and creating new kingdoms and countries. A large number of diseases cause most of the deaths of the natives, but over time, survivors and some inhabitants of the old world joined forces to release regions of the new world from the tyranny of rulers of Old World.

TV Series[]

The New World is not mentioned regularly, however most of the story, and the birth of almost every characters in the series were born in this region of the planet. North America (The Old World) is where the origins of vampires began, the werewolves were inhabitants of this continent before being discovered by the Old World, and most of the New World had no diseases compared to the Old World.


As in the TV series, the novels take place in the new world. On occasions mentioned the old world, but only in flashbacks or mentions the origin of some characters.

Characters Born In The New World[]


  • Characters officially born in the New World are other vampires and werewolves.