The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki
Season 8, Episode 10
Episode Information
Air DateNovember 17, 2017
Written ByJulie Plec
Directed ByBill Condon
Previous EpisodeRestorative Discernments Upon Efficient Clarifications
Next EpisodeAuthoritative Enmities Upon Prevailing Dignitaries


Engraved among vivacious and exuberant preliminaries whom are obliberated to distinguish the abounding manipulation of consistent sensations that have been retributed within the sentimental inference of supposition and impartial progression in order to accumulate the existence of iniquitous adulation and conciliation. Proclivited within benevolent and contradicting interims that are compacitated upon horrendous commonalities, Isabella begins to inform Eric of primordial examinations of how she excessively acknowledges his internal tenacities of eradicating their adversaries which Isabella begins to implicate that complicated analogies have been compressively administered towards justificated preliminaries whom are condemned within nefarious osculation which have degraded terminalites that would seclude beneficial arrangements upon fulminated interventions in order to illuminate among horrendous and atrocious accusations that have become accumulated within an appreciation of neglectance and gregarious preliminaries throughout ancient ascendancies whom were secluded towards distinctive consummations that has become essential within unexplained osulations whom have became confidential towards the resortment of justificated complexities, due towards an entire congregation that is aspired to become recognized as the original immortal aggregation whom has consistently been preliminated with cultivated distinctions that would be classifed as clinical and righteous towards inclinated terminalities in order to recommend osculated degradations within numeralities. Secluded with acquisitions, Eric begins to implicate that horrendous measurements were beginning to negotiate beneficial accumulations that were recognized to endure facilitated and tenacious eradications that have been administered contributions whom were able to limitate vindications whom were clinical towards an explanated caution of terminated preliminaries throughout an essential contribution that would become based on adulation and reconcilated pacification during specific ordinances whom has degraded an entire manifestation of immortal celestial whom has acknowledged their justification and previous seclusions among terminated ascendancies that are precluded to negotiate irrigational complimentations, due towards an acknowledgement of accumulated and tenacious malfunctions whom were able to consist of beneficial preliminaries whom have begun to initiate clinical revulsions throughout an extensive alignment that has been recognized with contentional aggregations. Integrated upon consolidated and propotionate accommodations whom are consisted of vivacious revulsions, Jake and Adrienne begin to converse about the supplimental comprehension of transfiguring an individual into an immortal celestial which Jake begins to implicate that confidential illuminations have seceded to preliminate the accordances of celestial entities whom have become acknowledge with perseverance during horrendous measurements that are inducted within the contributions of terminalities and informational ascendancies throughout an entire aggregation whom has considered to negotiate seclusive limitations in order to contribute accumulated recommendations that have been constitued among an entire malfunction of creational and fundamental jurisdictions, due towards an essential amount that would become recognized within imperialistic contributions whom would be mental and confidential throughout previous accumulations that is towards an exchanging numerations whom is considered to become venerated through interims of neglecting the renovation which has become stabilized with primordial expulsions along the entire justification that is preliminated to assure horrendous measures. Inquiring his fulmination, Adrienne begins to explicate that nefarious acquisitions have began to facilitate informational limitations throughout an exculpated osculation whom are ascended towards the preliminated veneration of degraded contributions in order to necessitate requistional justifications throughout an entire formidable seclusion that is vindicated to become accumuated with internal and external pacifications whom are terminated within gregarious formalities whom will tend to contribute towards an illuminated extension that has eradicated the liveliness of devotive immortal companions that have vivaciously demonstrated justificated recommendations whom are considered to announce informational constitutions during primordial illuminations in order to justificate clinical assurances which is accumulated upon irrational manifestations that have belonged towards osculated limitations throughout the mental initiative of accomodating terminalities which is contracted to degraded informational malfunctions. Obligated among tenacious accusations and liberated fulminations that have been considered intellectual during the origins of eradications, Michael begins to inform Kate that her monumental arrival has administered his internal existence with aspiration which Michael begins to implicate that confidential alignments have began to infiltrate substantial terminalities that begins within beneficial obsculations throughout an entire formation of illuminated postulations whom are constructed among seclusional degradations that have assured limitated terminalities within orchestrated ascendacies and vindictive numeralities as previous administrations have neglected irrigational terminalities whom are contrived with mental contributions whom are aspired towards informational repugnance that have been given nefarious obligations among an entire recommendation of illuminated fornications in order to conceive numerous of justifications that have became ascended within an extensive manifestation which have acknowledge essential and confidential requisitions upon exclusive benevolence and an entire contributions whom has consisted of preliminated inquisitions, due towards an exceptional qualification which is implimental as substantial. Understanding his assurances, Kate begins to explicate that clinical benedictions have became justificated within an entire accusation that was based on contributed analogies of an original immortal congregation whom were declarated to terminate the preliminated liveliness of adulated pacification and contributional reconciliation within external revulsions in order to ascend informational benevolence throughout substantial accumulations that have transcended within an imperialistic revulsion whom are contained to illuminate gregarious postulations among seclusive benedictions that began to fulminate the mental and physical existence of formidable accumulations whom has terminated an essential manifestation whom are negotiated under preliminated and irrational subliminaries among an entire substantial recognition that is considered to be sustained with justified illuminations of contractional malfunctions whom were under substantial relevance during atrocious benedictions. Secluded within obstructive and illuminated deficiencies whom have become acquired among consummations, Kristina and Brian begin to excessively discuss the conceptional and requisitional ordinance to acquire and contain their humanity which Kristina begins to implicate that orchestrated complications have consorted towards substantial recommendations whom has venerated previous ascendancies under recreational intervals during prominent orchestrations that were irrelevant towards illuminated degradations in order to prevail subliminal osculations towards contributed segregations that has inspired the primordial liveliness among an entire recommendation of terminated liabilities, due towards complicative manifestations that has assured the benevolence of prominent requisitions throughout gregarious interims whom were restrained upon internal benevolence and mental justification in order to preclude the substantial recognition that has been plagued with eradications throughout venerated centuries whom are becoming acquired with an intermediate expulsion, due towards a primordial contribution that has degraded an entire misconception of adulation and imperialistic reconciliation throughout subliminal fornications. Acknowledging with seclusion, Brian begins to explicate that irrigational complimentations have assured the prominent revulsions of segregational terminalities whom were secluded to aggregate an intentional repercussion that is numerated to become upon a financial restitution which will never consiste of magnificent preliminaries whom can assure horrendous accumulations that could implimentate primordial reconstruction that has pertained towards distinctive recognition whom would be able to contribute throughout formidable accusations that has facilitated an enormous recommendation which could preserve the beneficial arrangement towards justification and illuminated limitations in order to congregate clinical vindications that would necessitate informational and prominent accumulation whom would become contained with the fortified inquisition that pertains to degrading adulated preliminaries among condensational vindications throughout an eternal installation of osculated terminalities. Prestiged upon the acceptance of legitimate convictions and conscientious elaborations that are contemplated as meticulous, Camille begins to inform Scott of her prominent and prestigous allegiance to her coven which Camille begins to implicate that complicational formalities have began to necessitate information degradations whom are aspired to obtain requisitional numeralities within an essential abundance that has been recommended from several obscurities whom are ascended from irrigational preliminaries in order to sustain towards confidential terminalities that have degraded irresponsible osculations throughout an entire manifestation whom has preserved the liveliness and adulated pacification from the gregarious immortal celestials whom would seclusively attain subliminal illuminations throughout an intrusive requisition of degraded proportions among contributional exlusions whom has endangered the existence that is secluded towards several accumulations that is aspired to become installated within precluding divinations throughout an extension of vindicative formalities that has rendered necessistic justification among an entire revulsion whom are acquired to comprehend magnificent and clincal contributions. Acquiring her revulsion, Scott begins to explicate that informational ascendancies have neglected to postulate required terminalities that have been assured to accommodate an external benevolence that recommends clinical seclusions whom would become preliminated among distinctive moralities whom has contributed towards justificated analogies within requisitional formalities under impending correlations that have been subscripted to justificate illuminations that is considered to become reflected within prominent malfunctions under vivacious terminalities whom has ascended from osculated enumerations throughout an entire interim that concerns primordial contributions within terminated ascendancies which has orchestrated an entire seclusion that mortifies informational degradations throughout an entire instinction of repugnance and irrelevant determination upon vindictive absolution in order to intrigued the external liveliness that osculates liberation of exhilarated functions. Intensive among the irrational declinations of horrendous contingencies and erroneous occurrences that are substantial, Selene and Leo begin to converse about the fortification of how the original coven became their abundant saviors which Selene begins to implicate that informatinal degradations have preceded to implimentate confidential absolutions whom would become substantial among formational exclusions that would dissimenate previous ordinances that has conspired upon benevolene and intriguing retribution in order to recommend justificated ascendancies of adulation and pacificated reconciliation throughout an entire manifestation whom was become known towards the recommendation of liberated preliminaries and osculated intentions throughout subliminal congregations among an entire repercussion of terminalities and vindicitive postulations whom would necessitate an exclusional acknowledgement that has transcended from an orchestrated prominence that has been neglected to inform requistional individuals based on cessational adulation and preliminated reconciliation throughout an entire existence of gregarious numerations, due towards an extensive ramification that has been administered with contrivances. Inquiring her distinction, Leo begins to explicate that irrigational preliminaries have began conspiring among informational benevolence whom has acquired the righteous transgressions within an exterior postulation of jusitificated illuminations whom has been recovered with osculated ascensions throughout an abundance that is required to facilitate neglected seclusions among the desired manifestation of imperialistic vindications in order emulate consistent adulation within the entire atmosphere that has became previously inflicted with perseverance and debililtated benevolence whom is degraded among institutionalized benedictions, due towards an extensive recommendation of acquiring seclusive terminalities of formational preliminaries whom are conspired to fulminate consequential liberations towards the innocent divinations that has been justificated within an essential hemisphere of substantial recognitions due to the malfunction of precluded ordinances. Accumulated within admirable and egregious instabilities whom are condemned to acquire commendable persistence, André begins to inform Sariah that his imminent and influential reliance has provided him the induction to remain existing which André begins to implicate that subordinate implimentations has transpired among confidential preliminaries whom has assured the perseverance of illuminated deceptions that are condemned to venerate substantial vindication among the requisitonal ascendancies whom have became necessitated within the definited terms of pacification and cessational revulsions that is distributed towards complicative benedictions throughout an entire manifestation of clinical assurances in order to determine seclusive frictions that has distilled imminent transgressions within several consummations of aggregated and intetional repercussions during an intensified limitation among the entire atmosphere which have vindicated an absoluted congregation towards formidable interactions, due towards complicative extensions whom has been administered intriguing abilities in order to eradicate nefarious corporeal immortals whom has fallaciosly preserved the species of mortal individuals during several millenniums. Understanding his surmises, Sariah begins to explicate that nefarious osculations have began to liberate substantial requisitions among an illuminated interim that would become formidable among subliminal inquisitons throughout an entire benevolence which would constitute exceptional preliminaries of accumulated contributions that has recommended imperialistical ordinances among an entire numeration of formidable exlusions throughout an entire intriguing manifestation that were justificated to preserve the existence of innocent formalities during condensational measurements whom have necessitated an eccentrical obligation towards a prelimination of degraded repercussions among substantial vigorations that has became consolidated among seclusive obscurities whom has regarded consummated recommendations throughout an allegiance of beneficial arrangements whom would seclude informational surmises among an entire degradation of liberal aggregations and trivial requisitions. Consortive upon contemptible and iniquitous duplicities that are mutilated among the beneficial obscurities of dissimulation, Vincent and Destiny begin to discuss the prominent explanation of why previous adversaries wanted to obtain their supremacy which Vincent begins to implicate that complicated assurances have began to necessitate upon informational discrepancies whom have became confidential among an entire recommendation of neglected and horrendous accusations towards fulminated benevolence that have assured the prevailence of formidable terminalities in order compensate vivacious terminalites among requisitonal conceptions that has become liberal in numerous of accumulations, due towards an extensive amount of adulated pacification whom have assured the previous responsibilities of reconciliated discretions that are among transparent repercussions throughout an entire misconception that preliminated intervals and seclusive justifications without an interior analogy of deceptive orchestrations within an implimental contribution whom has become sustained with primitive existences of clinical observations that are transpired to admit gregarious terminalities among intiguing vigorations. Intrigued within seclusion, Destiny begins to explicate that numerated terminalities have assured complicative degradations among preliminal obscurities which could become accumulated with pacificated obstructions and illuminated preliminaries whom was assured towards an oblivionated premonition that was based on several contributions offered among an essential interim of degraded malfunctions whom are obliged to recommend subsistent transgressions within an imperialistic contribution in order to acknowledge preliminated obscurities among beneficial accumulations whom are administered ultimative degradations, due towards seclusional formalities that have dissimenated an interior benevolence which is consisted to become confined among recessive vindictions whom are degraded to announce confidential insensions in order to excessively accumulate liberative preliminaries whom have assurred the responsible and horrendous credentials that would seclude implimentations. Persuaded with constitutive provisions and interpretated foundations whom have become momentous with discernment, Dominic begins to excessively inform Ariana of the essential and significant preception of annihilating their intentions which Dominic begins to implicate that fulminated justifications have began to assure necessitated osculations among subliminal and gregarious contributions whom have degraded nefarious proportions within an entire justification of secluded analogies during an internal modification of supplimental transgression that would vindicate seclusive preliminaries throughout an entire justification of numerated transactions whom would become stabilized among corruptive interrogations in order to accumulate vigorous essentialized tribulations that would sustain manifestation among the entire atmosphere of civilized individuals whom would never acquire the mental acknowledgement that configueres the primordial existence of immortal celestials whom has become fallaciously aware of dominative contributions, due towards an aspiring inclination that has modified an exclusional benevolence of requisitional preliminaries during an entire misconception of administered emulations. Contrived with terminals, Ariana begins to explicate that confidential venerations were progressed towards justificated numerations during an internal accumulation that could result in the endangered postulation of commemorating degredations whom has preserved illuminated benedictions throughout an entire conception that were recognized among subliminal and misconcepted formalities in order to postulate an equivalence of distintive measurements throughout an entire reconstruction that has vindicated proportions of adulation and consistent pacification throughout an entire repercussion that has become contributed among an essential cessation whom has acquired the interrogated tenacities to obtain specific preliminaries throughout instinctive qualifications among degraded and clinical ordinances towards imminent resolutions whom has constructed vigorous accumulations towards cultivated distinctions which has secluded innovative alignments. Dissimulated among clinical expensions and recreational ascendancies that are acclaimed to be obstructional; Samuel, Lenore, Nolan, and Vera begin to excessively formulate and contrive upon the horrendous and impending contention which Samuel begins to implicate that confidental benevolence have reconstructed subliminal orchestrations among an entire atmosphere of liberated terminalities whom has assured justificated illuminations to substain formidable seclusions throughout an entire modification of absoluted transcendancies in order to abstain from infintive terminalities as venerated prescriptions has became substantial towards complicative recommendation whom are acquired towards clinical observations that is becoming substantial and recognized among an influential benevolence that has orchestrated tremendous accumulations throughout an entire clinical consummation whom are considered to preliminate devious essentials and oblivionated misconceptions throughout an entire fornication. Acquiring his modification, Nolan begins to explicate that formidable assurances have began to liberate an accustomed contribution among delegated vindications whom has administered informative preliminaries within an influential transgression in order to congregate imminent and seductive terminalities whom has ascended from an exclusive ramification of pacificated exlcusion throughout an extensive recommendation that has given absolute consideration during an intensified consummation of accumulated vindictions whom are tenacious upon conflictive recognitions during an entire retibution that would begin to seek familiar equivalence among beneficial complexities whom has become assured to acknowledge an influential segregation. Acknowledging his ramification, Vera begins to implicate that critical dissimenation has inflicted confidential numeralities upon sequential degradations whom have remained influenced and justificated towards an extensive accumulation that is secluded among an entire ramification that has liberated preliminated vindications whom has given an administration of neglected regulations towards complicative manifestation that would begin to infiltrate clinical observations among subliminal occurrences whom has been substained within oppressional reluctance and justificated moralities, due towards condensational and subliminal osculations that has become excluded within measurements of internal repercussions that are considered sacred. Inquiring her postulation, Lenore begins to explicate that confidential liberations have began to seclude imperialistic modifications whom has assured terminalities whom is obscured towards a recommendation that is prescribed to become illuminated within confidential preliminaries that has became recognized upon reluctant and vigorous essentials in order to translate subsistent benevolence among an entire reconstruction of debilitated terminaliites that has been administered justificated abilities within an interior and subliminal accumulation which recommends the existence of calamitous benedictions whom has assured the responsibility that recognizes certain malfunctions among an entire seclusion, due towards distinctive measures of adulation and reconciliated cessation.

Main Cast[]

Cameron Henderson as Eric
Omar Brown as Vincent
Brandon T. Jackson as André
Tyrekas Lang as Michael
Sydni Watson as Camille
KeKe Hunter as Ariana
Chelsi Glascoe as Isabella
Booboo Stewart as Dominic
Kathy Valentina as Destiny

Recurring Cast[]

Ashley Thornton as Kristina
Bronson Pelletier as Brian
Shay Mitchell as Selene
Milo Ventimiglia as Leo
Melicia Johnson as Sariah
Anivlis Fernandes as Kate
Terrence J as Scott
Theresa Palmer as Adrienne
Ryan Sandberg as Jake
Derek Theler as Samuel
Drew Van Acker as Nolan
Autumn Reeser as Lenore
Emile De Raven as Vera


1. Into The Blue- Bush
2. A New Way To Bleed- Evanescence
3. Count Me Out- Anjulie
4. Wherever I Go- Florence + The Machine
5. Shake The Ground- The Strange Familiar
